Roles and responsibilities of the management committee 

Responsibilities of all committee members

  • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership.

  • The governance and strategic development of the club.

  • Organising club run sessions.

  • Welcoming and supporting runners.

  • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races.

  • Adhering to club policies and procedures.

  • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices.

  • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies.

  • Promote regular club running amongst the membership.

  • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership.

Responsibilities of each role


  • Be accountable, with other officers, for governance of the Club.

  • Manage the strategic development of the Club.

  • Lead implementation of the Club’s aims.

  • Create and support initiatives to foster a friendly Club atmosphere.

  • Establish links with other FrontRunner groups and the wider running community.

  • Ensure fiscal governance.

  • Chair committee meetings, or authorise proxy.

  • Lead and manage committee members’ work.

  • Support members who take responsibility for Club activities.

  • Keep up to date with governance in sports generally.

  • Report to the AGM.

  • Overall responsibility for maintaining and owning club assets.

  • Lead the organisation and participation in Glasgow’s Pride events allowing representation and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in running and sport.

  • Ownership of routine maintenance of the Club’s shared online storage.

Club Secretary 

  • Service committee meetings (agenda, minutes, papers, etc.)

  • Service the AGM and any EGMs (agenda, minutes, papers, elections).

  • Maintain the Club constitution, policies and procedures.

  • Maintain the Club membership and attendance records.

  • Act as official Club contact for correspondence/enquiries.

  • Represent the club at external meetings (such as the Scottish Athletics or International Frontrunners AGMs).

  • Maintain and monitor Scottish Athletics EDDI self-assessment on behalf of the Club.

  • Process ownership for the Club’s refugee and asylum seeker procedure to allow participation in running.


  • Be responsible for financial governance, including statutory and management accounting reporting (maintaining appropriate accounting records, reporting actual performance and forecasts/business plans to committee and AGM, as appropriate).

  • Be responsible for compliance with UK taxation requirements.

  • Manage the bank account and cash-flow to minimise bank charges.

  • Be responsible for timely payment of all expenses, including ensuring compliance with delegated authorities as stipulated in Constitution.

  • Be responsible for ad-hoc financial involvement with sponsorship and funding applications.

  • Be responsible for the procurement of club assets.

  • Organise club kit.

Run Secretary 

  • Organise monthly Jog Leader (JL) rota.

  • Support JL’s in delivering weekly run programme.

  • Ensure a suitably qualified JL & coaching team, organise succession planning and provide access to relevant Scottish Athletics qualifications.

  • Convene and attend regular JL meetings.

  • Attend regular coaching meetings. 

  • Management of Spond.

  • Responsible for the execution of the Club’s ‘Couch to 5K’ programme.

Race Secretary  

  • Develop annual race calendar including monthly Parkrun events, Parkrun takeovers and other races throughout calendar year. 

  • Encourage and manage participation in Scottish Athletics Cross Country championships.

  • Manage race experience for members.

  • Collate race results and distribute amongst members. 

  • Ensure correct and safe storage of relevant photographs in GFR archives.

  • Responsible for annual Club trips organisation (WhatsApp groups, participation & travel spreadsheet etc.), and similar for assisting race support for main Club races.

Coaching Secretary 

  • Organise monthly coaching rota.

  • Support coaches in delivering weekly coaching programme. 

  • Arrange delivery of training programmes (including C25k, 5to10k, half marathon and marathon programmes). 

  • Convene and attend regular coaching meetings.

  • Support coaches in delivery and booking of track sessions as required.

Communications Secretary

  • Primary responsibility for communicating all club information, including, but not limited to upcoming runs, events, social activities, trip plans etc to members, updating website content, publications of blogs, newsletters, press releases and announcements on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with content as agreed by committee.

  • Keep abreast of new electronic social networking options for promoting the Club.

  • Update Club details with other groups that display GFR web links.

  • Draft and publish social media and other adverts as required for annual club events such as Red Run, Rainbow Run and OUTrun.

  • Maintenance of Club mailing lists.

  • Liaison of any graphic design requirements.

  • Liaison of any digital record of club events (photography/video).

Social Secretary 

  • Organisation of monthly Club social events.

  • Organisation of the Summer Mugdock BBQ.

  • Organisation of OUTrun social weekend.

  • Organisation of Club volunteer celebrations.

  • Organise additional club social events as required.

  • Establish links with other sports clubs to provide additional sport related social activities.

Events Secretary 

  • Plan and organise club race / running events including OutRun, Red Run, and Rainbow Run

  • Coordinating discussion with relevant parties (sponsors, venues, local authorities etc)

  • Working with the Treasurer, ensure good fiscal management of OutRun

  • Encouraging participation and support from members to help stage these events.

Welfare and Inclusion Secretary

  • Develop diversity framework and build relationships with minority / marginalised groups within the LGBTQIA+ community to encourage and support their involvement with GFR with the aim of achieving greater club diversity. 

  • Own and maintain club policies in partnership with Club secretary to ensure compliance with governing body requirements and the principles of Equality, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EEDI). 

  • Act as the primary contact for all issues of welfare, concerns, complaints and inclusion on behalf of the committee. 

  • Have responsibility for reporting on club diversity to committee on a range of protected characteristics. 

  • Support and record relevant EEDI training undertaken by the committee.

  • Liaison of club Welcome Ambassadors.

  • Liaison for member led events (when required).

  • Women and non-binary group liaison.

  • Trans and non-binary group liaison.

  • Supporting other roles to realise inclusive practice.