Celebrating Pride…by joining together!


It seems like forever since GFR members were able to come together in larger numbers due to the ongoing and fast changing coronavirus restrictions, but on Tuesday 29th June, we did just that….finally!

In our largest gathering since March 2020, some 34 runners joined together in the blistering June sunshine to celebrate the end of Pride Month.

With some poignant introductory words from our President Gerard reminding us all of the importance and relevance of Pride, things quickly got underway with an energetic warmup led by Ian.

The group then split up with their respective jog leaders John (Couch 2 5K), Shannon (5K team), Stuart (6K team), Maya (7K team) and Gordon (8K team). It was great to see such a turnout in the sunshine and of course….a fantastic display of rainbow accessories! Thanks to Jimmy, official Club photographer for the day.

It was hot…it was sweaty….but it felt so good to be back together in a larger group once again!

Check out some of the images below…


For a second year… HOMErun is back!


A healthier way to meet…