Glasgow FrontRunners

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Coronavirus Update

While the rules around social interaction are easing we should all be staying at least two metres distant from anyone who is not part of our household. This is a key to staying safe at all times.

In terms of sport and recreation, some non-contact outdoor leisure activities will be allowed to restart from Friday 29 May.

This applies to activities where you can safely keep a two metre distance from others at all times and follow strict hygiene practices.

This includes running.

Technically you could run with people from 1 other household in a group of up to 8 people at a distance of up to two metres at all times for those from the other household.

However we recommend you keep this to a lower number of runners.

We also recommend that you avoid running with people from different households in different parts of your run.

Basically the fewer people you come into contact with, the safer you will be and the sooner we will all be able to run together again.

From 29 May you will be able to travel – preferably by walking or cycling – to a location near your local community for recreation.

However the Scottish Government is asking you, for now, to please stay within, or close to, your own local area. And don’t use public transport unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Scottish Government isn’t setting a fixed distance limit in law – but their strong advice is not to travel further than around 5 miles for leisure or recreation.

And it is still the case that you should not go to Scotland’s island communities, except for essential reasons.

If you do go somewhere and find it is crowded, please use your judgment, change your plans and go somewhere else.

If you have symptoms if Covid-19

Scottish Government is asking any person who has symptoms of COVID-19 – that is a cough, a temperature or loss of taste or smell – to take immediate steps to book a test.

If this applies to you, please go straight to to get a test or, if you can’t go online, call NHS 24 on 0800 028 2816.

Don’t wait to see if you feel better before booking a test. And apart from going for the test, you – and all people in your household – should self-isolate.

If you are contacted by Test and Protect to say you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, please follow the advice to self-isolate for 14 days.