I moved back to Glasgow a year after finishing university, I started a
new job and knew that I needed to find something to get involved in my
spare time. I participated in sport all through school and university
but this time I was on the look out for a sport I could do for a long
time and one I could continue to feel competitive in. I decided to give
running a go as I knew it was accessible and I liked the idea that
whether I was fast or slow did not matter as I could continue to be
competitive with myself chasing new distances and my own personal bests.
After a failed attempt at completing the couch to 5k on my own, I
decided I wanted to join a club for extra motivation and accountability.

I found Glasgow Frontrunners online and noticed that they had a couch to
5k program beginning in a few weeks which really appealed to me as it
was an opportunity to join the club at the same time as other beginners.
I went along on the first night and the people were so welcoming that I
kept coming back. I was incredibly lucky to complete the program with
such a kind group of supportive runners, and it was so lovely to see
everyone achieve the 5k at our graduation park run.

Our graduation park run was in March 2020 and a week or so later lock
down was introduced. I really struggled during this time, I found
working from home difficult and as a busy person I found the
restrictions overwhelming. I don’t think I realised how big a role
sport has always played in maintaining my mental health. When I was
studying, my sport training sessions were a time where I could forget
about everything else going on in my life and reset. I am really
grateful for the virtual running community that GFR created and the
challenges the club set during this time as it meant I continued to get
out there and run. Running gave me something to switch my mind to when
work was finished and really helped me to process what was happening.

Seeing others in the club succeed has also given me the confidence to
aim higher than I ever planned. Five kilometers quickly became ten, and
I completed my first half marathon in May 2021. I had never intended to
run more than a 10k but now feel that one day I might be ready to take
on a marathon. GFR has provided more than just a place for me to develop
as a runner, I have also had the chance to meet so many wonderful new
people. As an adult it can be difficult to make friends, and the social
aspect of GFR has helped me to settle back into Glasgow. With people
from all over the world and from different backgrounds, I have learnt so
much from those chatty Sunday morning runs!

Sport has brought so much to my life: opportunities to learn new skills,
to travel, new friendships, an appreciation for how amazing my body can
be and a sense of calm. Running really is a sport you can keep chasing
and with many opportunities to push yourself and grow, this is why when
the club asked me to become a Jog Leader I couldn't say no. I am really
looking forward to supporting others on their running journey and
welcoming them to this fantastic community.


This week, we're also celebrating IWD to raise money for Refuweegee, which is a Glasgow based charity that welcomes people to Glasgow and the rest of Scotland who have been forcibly displaced from all over the world. Our JustGiving Page is here:


GFR Committee Minutes - February 2022

