Glasgow FrontRunners

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Islay Marathon Trip Cancelled

Due to the ongoing global COVID-19 Pandemic, the GFR committee have made the difficult decision to cancel formal arrangements for our planned trip to Islay on 1st August 2020.

For clarity, at the time of writing, it is important for us to point out that the event is still going ahead and the organisers have not indicated the event will be cancelled. Looking at the current Scottish Government guidance, and the planned phases of leaving lockdown, the committee feel that this trip would not be in the best interests of our runners or the Islay community and risks putting pressure on the NHS and the emergency services of this rural community.

The committee would recommend that members of GFR do not travel to Islay for the race, however if they feel they would still like to, they do so at their own risk and will need to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The hostel we had originally booked to stay at cancelled our booking because of the pandemic. We know that our island trips are much loved and we hope to be able to arrange our next one when it is safe to do so.

Whilst we know our runners will be disappointed, we hope that everyone can appreciate the rationale behind this cancellation.

Update from the organisers
Unfortunately we have no option but to cancel this year's Islay Half Marathon 2020 event. If you have already entered for this year's marathon, you may either request to move your place to next year's event on 7 August, 2021 or if you would like a refund please return your race number and dance tickets along with bank details, and Kate will issue a refund. Either way, please let Kate know at

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