Glasgow FrontRunners

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Throughout my childhood, I was very keen on sports and always an active participant. However, like many females, as I got older I became increasingly self-conscious about my appearance and ability. Rather than enjoying the participation and positive impact on my well-being, I became more concerned about how good I was and  if I didn’t believe I could perform well I would shy away from participation. My worries were holding me back and stopping me from enjoying activities that I knew made me feel good.

 During my twenties, I tried hard to get back into exercise but had mixed success. During this time I participated in my first 10km race and Glasgow to Edinburgh cycle, both for charity. Every few months I would make another independent attempt at couch to 5km with the best intentions but never able to maintain commitment to the programme. Exercising independently  was not enjoyable and as soon as I had completed the event participation decreased. Exercise felt like a chore and another thing on the ‘to do’ list, I had forgotten the enjoyment and benefits of being active. I sorely missed the social aspect of exercising/playing sports but still lacked the confidence to something about it unless encouraged by closest family or friends.

During the pandemic, my fitness and participation fluctuated and in May 2021 I had my first experience of Glasgow Frontrunners through the couch to 5km programme. Sunny evening runs in the west end with supportive and friendly runners were an absolute joy. From the first session, I knew running with a community was something I had missed and quickly planned my week around running. Unfortunately, restrictions halted my progress with the group and I did not manage to complete the programme. However, in January 2022 I committed to the programme again and have met more friendly and supportive runners in the group. For every week that I get nervous about being able to achieve the new challenges in the programme, I can use the encouragement of the group to drive me forward. We are now in week 8 and it is a highlight of my week, particularly Sunday mornings. The community aspect is key for me and I no longer view exercise as a chore but another chance to socialise.

This month we will finish the couch to 5km programme and I am excited to participate in the graduation run. Beyond this I have no goals other than to continue my exercise and sense of community. Thank you for the encouragement and support Glasgow Frontrunners , it feels good to run again!.


This week, we're also celebrating IWD to raise money for Refuweegee, which is a Glasgow based charity that welcomes people to Glasgow and the rest of Scotland who have been forcibly displaced from all over the world. Our JustGiving Page is here: